Saturday 27 September 2014

Welcome to Prilosophies

Welcome to my blog and thanks for stopping by! 
I am Apriena, called Pri, by those closest to me, hence my chosen name for my blog, Prislosophies as you will be entertained with all things Pri, from my love for food, wine, photography, nature, family and just my everyday quirks that life throws at me. 
Who am I? I am a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother and a friend. I am fortunate enough to have the role of a stay at home mum to the most gorgeous boys I have ever met, Noa, the coolest, calmest kid who will be "Sour" (Four)in 2 months, shame he is still struggling with his F's and 18th month old feisty Zen. 
I have to admit being a stay at home mum is the toughest job I ever had and yes I wont lie there are some days that I will trade it to do something else and then my boys smile at me or tell me something that takes me completely by surprise and then I know that THIS is where I belong!!!! 
I possess an Honours Degree in English Literature and Research, and I just love writing about all sorts of things. 
I do hope you visit my blog on a regular basis and interact as well and hope I can make a little difference in your life, even if it is just a delicious recipe of mine that you will try. 
Enjoy, Pri

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